We believe the mission of vocational technical education is to provide its students with learning experiences that produce skills for competent entry-level performance.
Statement of Philosophy
We believe that practical nursing is an integral part of the multidisciplinary health care team. We believe learning occurs when motivated students are presented learning activities based on objectives proceeding logically from the simple to the complex. It is a process enhanced by opportunity for realistic practice with ongoing feedback, critique and evaluation. We believe emphasis should be placed on self-evaluation and recognition by the student of the need for continuing education and self-improvement throughout their nursing career. We believe it is important to stress the use of learning activities enabling the student to grow in the use of critical thinking and decision-making skills.
We at the Lenape Tech Practical Nursing Program want to provide students with the opportunity to develop nursing skills, both motor and cognitive, necessary to carry out the functions of the practical nurse in an ever-changing technological health care environment.
Lenape Practical Nursing Program provides students with pragmatic approach to nursing through:
Learner centered environments that include technically advanced approaches Encouragement in a Holistic approach to nursing that includes the patient and their community Nurturing atmosphere for effective classroom and clinical instruction Accountability to the nursing process Proficiency in employing nursing skill and judgment Empowerment for professional growth through creative critical thinking