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Course Description

Level 1 Course Description


Level   1 Course Description

Professional Role and Communication Skills 

This course segment is intended to impart and foster the professional, interpersonal, and motivational skills required to join the health care system at an entry level. The emphasis is placed on the examination of interpersonal relationships, personality development, communication, self-improvement, and motivational factors. 

Classroom/Didactic Instruction-24.5 hours 

Basic Nutrition and Health Promotion

This course segment explores diet and nutrition principles for therapeutic and personal application. It describes the expanded role of nutrition in health promotion and disease prevention. It is designed to provide basic concepts of health and the nutritional factors necessary to maintain health. 

Classroom/Didactic Instruction-28 hours   

Anatomy and Physiology

This section includes the information necessary to understand human anatomy and physiology at a level that will facilitate safe and effective nursing care. Basic physiology, biology, chemistry, and microbiology are discussed in this section. 

Classroom/Didactic Instruction-66.5 hours 

Nursing Fundamentals 

Designed to offer students a theoretical foundation of nursing practice coupled with clinical application. Emphasis is placed on providing a systematic approach to anatomy, physiology, and psychology and its relationship to sound nursing practice. Stress is placed on basic care, safety, and comfort of clients. 

Classroom/Didactic Instruction-142 hours 

Clinical Lab Instruction-77 hours 

Clinical facility Instruction/Simulation-105 hours 

Level 2 Course Description 

Medical-Surgical Nursing  

Focuses on simple to moderately complex deviations that will expand the students’ responsibilities for healthcare of the adult client. Stresses clinical and theoretical application of nursing techniques as applied to various medical disorders and surgical procedures. Basic disease to complex classifications, manifestations and nursing interventions are systematically outlined. This segment will stress and build upon concepts from previous areas of instruction as detailed in prior course syllabi. Applies scientific principles of nursing to clients’ care including pharmacology and nutritional needs. Clinical time is expanded to include medications, procedures, and treatments of the medical/surgical client. IV therapy skills, including venipuncture and central line care, are developed through clinical and laboratory practice. This level is designed to expose students from moderately complex to the more specialized and demanding aspects of nursing.   

Classroom/Didactic Instruction-214 hours 

Clinical Lab Instruction-28 hours 

Clinical facility Instruction/Simulation-208 hours 


Level 3 Course Description 

Special Populations: 

Maternal-Child Nursing 

Combines maternity and pediatrics learning with comprehensive discussions of family-centered care, wellness, health promotion, and illness prevention, women’s health issues, and the growth and development of the children. Provides clinical practice and theoretical instruction in pre and post-natal maternal nursing care as well as care of children from infancy to adolescence. Normal and abnormal physical and psychological aspects of the family and its members during growth and development are discussed.  

Classroom/Didactic Instruction-91 hours 

Clinical Facility Instruction/Simulation-112 hours  

Community and Mental Health Nursing 

Provides a framework for understanding mental health care and the evolution of care for persons with mental problems. Explores selected ethical, legal, social, and cultural issues related to mental health care. Focuses on the caregiver’s therapeutic skills and conditions necessary for working with mental health clients. They will include the growth of normal mental health behaviors and common mental health problems throughout the life cycle. Explore clients with psychological and psychosocial problems including common behavioral responses, therapeutic interventions, maladaptive behaviors, and mental health disorders.  

Classroom/Didactic Instruction-42 hours 

Clinical facility Instruction/Simulation-61 hours 

Community Service-14 hours 


Level  4 Course Description 

Older Adult Health 

Focuses on the theories and concepts of aging, the physiologic and psychosocial changes and problems associated with the process, and appropriate nursing interventions. Emphasis will be focused on care of the elderly, cultural considerations, Alzheimer’s disease, home health care, and the aging Baby Boomer Generation. Key features include complementary and alternative therapies, delegation consideration and patient teaching.  

Classroom/Didactic Instruction-38.5 hours 

Clinical facility Instruction/Simulation-257 hours 

Nursing Leadership 

Explores career opportunities, continuing education, and possible professional advancement. Discusses nursing from an organizational and societal standpoint. Stresses moral, ethical, and legal aspects of nursing. Describes employment related skills such as developing a resume, interviewing for a job, accepting and resigning positions, and employee responsibilities. Designed to instill within the student a commitment to self, patients, employers, and society for the obligations of professional nursing. 

Classroom/Didactic Instruction-38.5 hours